Residents background


All the care. All the support
We believe getting a suitable accommodation and the required support is the most critical step to recovery for people dealing with complex social and psychological challenges.

Mingles House provides the accommodation and support needed to overcome homelessness and instability in our residents and service users.

We reckon that finding a short-term home and shelter poses a huge difficulty to these people, even worse for those from minority ethnic groups (blacks, Asians and others) and this informs our focus.

Our aim is to house, support and empower vulnerable adults in a safe, favourable and trauma-free environment with the objective of helping them develop the mindset and skills to be able to live more independently in our society.
Mingles House Residential apartments
All our housing options are warm, welcoming and fitted not just with a safe and secure environment but also, well trained and committed staff.
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments
Mingles House Residential apartments

Support Services

In addition to getting accommodation, we offer residents the support needed to tackle the root causes of homelessness and improve on their circumstances with a view of improving their integration and stability.

In-house, we provide tailor-made support to every resident and service user instead of a one-size-fits-all approach. With the help of support workers and personnel, residents follow a recovery, growth and accountability program (support plan) that addresses their unique financial, physical or psychological challenges which hitherto led to homelessness.

Mingles house volunteers 1

With sustainability at the core of our approach, we provide the following programs in collaboration with our partners and affiliates (sign-posting)

Make a difference. Partner with us

There is always an opportunity to contribute to the Mingles House Mandate – eradicate homelessness.