Residents background

Providing Support where it is most needed

We provide housing and support for homeless and vulnerable adults in the Nottinghamshire area

special care


Mingles House is a social enterprise that provides housing and support for vulnerable adults on their way to independence, resettlement and full integration.

We are a Community Interest Company (CIC) operating out of the Nottinghamshire area with a keen focus on housing and supporting homeless and vulnerable adults (18 years and above) who may be ex-offenders, recovering from alcohol and substance abuse or individuals with mental health conditions or just insolvent, in order to facilitate their improvement and recovery. 

Mingles house volunteers 1 Mingles house volunteers 2

Proactive Targeted Response

We believe that any and everybody can flourish given the right care, guidance and opportunities. Our offerings are targeted towards that

Housing In And Around Nottingham

Make a difference. Partner with us

There is always an opportunity to contribute to the Mingles House Mandate – eradicate homelessness.